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Summer Camp Agape 2017

Летний Лагерь Agape 2017

Online registration

for Camp Agape 2017 is closed, however, you still can register on the first day of Camp - Thursday, June 29 at 9:00 am - just come to Felicita County Park 
742 Clarence Lane, Escondido, CA 92029

Dear Friends,

Slavic Christian Church San Diego invites your children (and you) to English-Russian Summer Day Camp Agape 2017!

During 3 days of Camp your kids will enjoy:


Sports, Games and Fun Activities
Songs and live music
Snacks and delicious lunch and dinner

Important Biblical Discussions on topics of: 

  • Obedience to parents

  • Responsibility, honor and diligence

  • Care and Forgiveness

  • Patience

Bring yourself and a friend with positive attitude and a big smile.

We look forward seen you

Thursday June 29, 9:00 am-6:00 pm 
Friday June 30, 9:00 am-6:00 pm, and
Saturday July 1, 9:00 am-6:00 pm.



$50 per child; $40 for second child from the same family; $30 for third child (or any additional children) from the same family;
Parking $3 per day (paid when you park)


Parents are not required to attend but encouraged to attend to help

Please register by June 18.

Дорогие друзья,

Славянская Христианская Церковь города San Diego приглашает Ваших детей (и также Вас) в летний дневной детский лагерь Agape 2017.

Во время 3-х дней лагеря ваших детей ждут:

Игры, состязания и другие увлекательные мероприятия 
Песни и музыка
Закуски и вкусные обед и ужин

Важные дискуссии на Библейские темы:


  • Послушание родителям

  • Ответственность, честь и трудолюбие

  • Забота и прощение

  • Терпение

Приходите, приглашайте друзей и приносите улыбку и хорошее настроение.

Мы ждём вас в

Четверг June 29, 9:00 am-6:00 pm 
Пятницу June 30, 9:00 am-6:00 pm, and
Субботу July 1, 9:00 am-6:00 pm.

$50 per child; $40 for second child from the same family; $30 for third child (or any additional children) from the same family;
Parking $3 per day (paid when you park)

Parents are not required to attend but encouraged to attend to help

Please register by June 18.

© 2025 Slavic Evangelical Church

All rights reserved

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